Monday, December 10, 2012

Non - Point Source Pollution

Picture -
This diagram shows how non - point source pollution collects in waterways. It shows that it comes from many places and not one main source.

This article was about the changes being made in Stamford Connecticut regarding non-point source pollution. A group of people are presenting a plan to cut back on the pollution. Some of the ideas the plan includes is to use porous pavement and build up buffers. The pavement can be used to filter out the pollution as can the buffers. Another thing they are focusing on is letting the residents know that using chemicals like fertilizers may become runoff later, polluting the waterways. Once they let the citizens know of the consequences it is hoped that the pollution level will go down.

Opinion -
I think what they are doing will help the community tremendously Making these changes will help both the people and animals living off of the water. It will also help the overall health of the planet.

Questions -
1) Do you think that the town will be able to install these changes for good? Why or why not.
2) If this is such a problem why do you think people aren't aware that it's a big deal?
3) Why is non-point pollution having an impact on the environment?



    This is a great video to add on about non-point source pollution. It talks about the harmful affects non-point source pollution has not only on the environment but also on the economy. It takes place in Alaska and talks about how the pollution is killing off some of the salmon.

  2. My opinion on this issue is that the government should intervene with the situation and maybe set certain laws about controlling the pollution. I also believe that putting down pavement will help filter out some of the pollutants. That should help the local water supply. As we learned in class non-point source pollution is the hardest type of pollution to control, so therefor I bet the people helping out are doing their best to take control of the situation. In addition i remember learning that by educating people it teaches people not to pollute but many do not listen.
    My new question is, what are some other ways we can help cut down on non-point source pollution?

  3. Do you think that the town will be able to install these changes for good? Why or why not? I think that the town will be able to install these changes but the changes might not last forever. The porus pavements may not last as long as the pavements used now, but this would cut down on the pollution. If this is such a problem why do you think people aren't aware that it's a big deal? I think that people arnt aware becuase they dont care enough and dont think its a big deal or they just werent told about it. Maybe the people who do know just are not doing anything about it and not thinking about our future. Why is non-point pollution having an impact on the environment? It is having an impact becuase its putting pollution into the streams, ponds, lakes and the water. Non point pollution is also difficult to find where it is coming from, espessially when it all mixes in with the water.
