Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy - Tornado power

This article talks about how a scientist might be able to create a tornado and use it for energy. It has the potential to save a lot of money and uses the heat left over from the nuclear power plants. In order for  Louis Michaud to create the tornado he has to be able to mix hot air with cold air. How he does this is he has the warm air, which comes from the waste of a coal plant, at the bottom of the vortex and has it mix with cold air. The air then passes through angled ducts which mimics the rotation of a tornado. On the sides there are then turbines positioned which will create the wind into usable energy. Louis Michaud has recently got a grant to go out and build one of these and if his calculations are correct then the energy coming from this can increase the plants' output of energy by forty percent. However it is possible that the tornado could escape but it's highly unlikely because its source is hot air that is much hotter then the ground temperature.

I think that this could potentionally be a great source of energy one day or even a baseline to create something similar. It's neat how he's able to mimic a tornado and harness its energy. I also like the fact that it helps to get rid of pollution and saves money by using the hot air that's left over from energy plants.

This picture is a diagram of how the AVE (atmospheric vortex engine) looks and works. The tornado is in the center of the chamber which is where the tornado is formed. The wind tubines are placed all around the outside of it. 

1. Do you believe this could be a good source of energy?
2. What other ideas might work if this doesn't?
3. Do you think it will work?



    This is an article you should definitly check out!! It's supporting Louis' idea for turning harnessing a tornados energy and unsing it as energy. It gives more information about whats happening and talks about how it could possibly power our future and increasing a power plants output power by 40%!!!

  2. 1. I do believe this could be a good source of energy because by harnessing the power of a tornado it will create allot of energy. Most likely more energy then any of the other energy resources (other then fossil fuels) will be produced. A tornado is extremely powerful and it is unheard of to actually control one without causing destruction.
    2. Some other ideas that might work if this doesn't are some "green" resources that are used currently. For example wind turbines, water turbines, nuclear power, solar energy, and thermal energy.
    3. I do not believe this idea would work just because of the fact that controlling such a powerful force will be hard to do. Imagine a gigantic tornado indoors. If it gets loose one can only imagine the destruction it will cause. The other possibility of why I believe it will not work is that a decent amount of energy will be needed to power the hot and cold air generators. Allot of air will need to be pushed out to create a big enough tornado to power a small town. Those are the two reasons I do not believe this creative idea will work.

  3. For the professional, I invited my science teacher from last year. I figured this was a good idea because she can probably give us more information about what we are currently working on. Also since she knows about these topics she may be able to give us information that we didn't know. Hope she comments.
    Email I sent -
    Hi Mrs. Ginsberg,
    This year in my Environmental Science class we have been posting on blogs with article relevant to current events. Right now we are learning about agriculture and what we could do using less resources to make more. Could you comment on the blog my group and I have?
    Thanks so much!
