Sunday, December 16, 2012

Genetically Modifying Salmon

Is Genetically Modified Salmon Safe?
By: Emily Sohn
Publication: Discovery News
Date: Sept 10th, 2010

Summary: This article is talking about taking a gene from one fish and putting it into salmon. The gene from ocean pout is what they want to put into the salmon. This gene will allow the salmon to grow much faster than before. There are many positive things about salmon being genetically modified but there is obviously negative things too. The Food and Drug Administration has said that this is safe for human consumption and safe for the environment as well. The article is saying that its ok to be genetically modifying animals and things because we have been doing it for yeas now and its been safe and that this will be the future.

Opinion/Reflect: The people in the article definitely think that it is ok to genetically modify the salmon but personally I don't agree with them. I think that doing this to the salmon is wrong and not as safe as they the article says it is. The genes that are put in the fish might be passed down to us when we eat the salmon like the growth hormones put in cows. Also I can relate this article to the video that we saw in class with all the fish put in pens and closed in. The people would just throw food at the fish and they fish put no effort into finding the food. So if they GM salmon were put into the wild, then the females would look for the bigger fish which would be genetically modified salmon, and these salmon would not be good at finding food. This would effect the offspring of the salmon and overtime and over generations because the salmon would become weak and be bad at finding its own food. I think that the fish and salmon should just be left the way it is and be left the way they were naturally made.

1.) Would you be okay with eating genetically modified Salmon? Why or why not?
2.) Because the population is growing fast and is going to keep growing fast, do you think it will be okay to genetically modify them now to make more of something faster?
3.) Do you think that in the future there will be more GMO's or less?
4.) If you had a choice to eat only GM foods or non GM foods what would you pick? Why?

Picture: This is a cool picture showing the difference of the GM Salmon and non GM salmon at the same age. The difference between the 2 is insane.


  1. 1.) Would you be okay with eating genetically modified Salmon? Why or why not?
    I am fine with eating GMO's. If it doesn't cause any health issues, I don't see a problem.
    2.) Because the population is growing fast and is going to keep growing fast, do you think it will be okay to genetically modify them now to make more of something faster?
    I think it is okay to use GMO's to feed the population of America. If they weren't used so much many people would probably go hungry.
    3.) Do you think that in the future there will be more GMO's or less?
    I believe there will be more GMO's since the population is only going to expand more and it is needed to support the amount of people.
    4.) If you had a choice to eat only GM foods or non GM foods what would you pick? Why?
    It doesn't matter to me, I don't really see any difference. I feel that if they have the same nutritional value what difference does it make?

    Heres a link that gives a little more information on this topic. It compares GMO salmon and non-GMO salmon. Believe me you will like it!

    1. It Also tells some pro's and con's of GMO salmon. They have top scientists sharing a little of their information on this controversial topic.

  3. My opinion on this topic is that they are safe to eat. If we keep them in a controlled environment and have enough regulations and inspections there wouldn't be a problem of them all getting out. The food and drug association approved it also. I don't think they would approve something that has a huge health risk to us. With the population continuing to grow at such a fast rate we need to be able to have ways to obtain bigger or more food, other wise we all could go hungry. What other ways would we be able to get more food? Personally I see no problem with eating genetically modified food every now and then.
