Monday, January 14, 2013

Global Warming

Title: Big Chill vs Global Warming: What's Going On?
Author: Jeanna Bryner 
Published: January 14, 2013

Summary:  In this article, it is stated that during this past weekend the United States wasn't the only place getting weird weather patterns.  In Jerusalem and other hot parts of the world it was also very cold.  It is explained that even though this is happening, the world is still breaking heat records right and left.  Over the course of 2012, it was found to be the hottest year ever, going far beyond the records from 1998.  From this year, and last, it was found that we broke 630 records regarding heat, and only 114 for the minimum temperature.  It is said that the greenhouse gases we are constantly burning are heating up the world at a much faster rate than if they weren't there.
Opinion:  My opinion on this topic is that we should do everything we can to slow the process.  Many people say that the world heating is a weather cycle that would have happened anyway, but with us it is happening much faster.  In order to preserve the world as long as we can, we should work on the level of greenhouse gases that we burn. 
Picture:  This picture shows the causes and effects of global warming.  

1.       How do you think we could help with the global warming problem?
2.       How can we get awareness out to the public that this is becoming a big problem?
3.       To reduce global warming we need to create a cleaner greenhouse gas.  Do you have any ideas on how we could do that?
4.       What is your opinion on this topic?
5.       Do you think this is a big problem world-wide?   What could that weather patterns be showing?


  1. How do you think we could help with the global warming problem? What I think we can do to help with global warming is recycling more because recycling more means less carbon dioxide that we have to put in the air. And the less carbon dioxide we put in the air the weaker the greenhouse effect will be. Also instead of driving cars and motorcycles you can just bike or even walk, plus your getting exercise too.

    How can we get awareness out to the public that this is becoming a big problem? One big way to get this out to the public is on the new or television. Also all the social networks things like twitter and Facebook where many people will be able to see because twitter and Facebook is so popular right now.

    To reduce global warming we need to create a cleaner greenhouse gas. Do you have any ideas on how we could do that? In order to create a cleaner greenhouse gas effect we need to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and pollution going in to the air. Using alternative sources like solar power, wind power and hydroelectric power will mean that we wont have to burn so many fossil fuels and coal. Therefore less pollution and carbon dioxide in the air. Also like I said before we can reduce the time we spend driving and maybe we can find alternate sources like biking and walking.

  2. 1.)How do you think we could help with the global warming problem? I think we could help with the Global Warming problem by finding ways to produce less carbon dioxide. For example we could build more fuel efficient cars and we could find different ways for alternative energy. Wind mills are a perfect example of a way that could help with the global warming problem because they do not produce any carbon dioxide. It is a clean and productive way to obtain our energy.

    2.)How can we get awareness out to the public that this is becoming a big problem? I came up with a few ideas we could spread this awareness of this huge, upcoming problem. Some ways include, passing laws that prevent major companies from producing a large amount of pollution. We could also spread the word through social media because that is a big way to communicate now. Another way to spread the word is by creating groups of people who go around helping the world as sort of a "charity" type program.

    3.) Do you think this is a big problem world-wide? What could that weather patterns be showing? I do believe this is a bog problem world wide. It could eventually lead to a massive amount of deaths because the air quality would be so bad. Large cities around the world are contributing to this so that basically explains why it is a "world wide problem" because of the fact that every city and place around the world is contributing to this problem. The weather patterns show that this is not just happening near us; it is happening all over the world. That means we have to start looking everywhere.

    4.)My opinion on this topic is that we should start to start helping put the environment even more. People need to learn how to start using more fuel efficient cars and stop burning things. When we burn things carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere and that creates the greenhouse effect. I Propose that we should make laws that prevent companies from producing so much pollution. That is my opinion on this controversial topic.
