Monday, October 22, 2012

Worldwide Water Crisis

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This article is about the shortage of water that is starting to affect some countries. Throughout the world there is a greater amount of water being used and taken from the supply, and not enough water being replaced.  With the great decrease of water resources, there is an increase of tension between countries.  Many countries are now pulling from the same water sources.  This problem has led to an increased awareness of the limited resources in the world.  Many plans were put in place to try and equally divide what water we have left.

Picture – This picture shows the level of stress because of water.  In this picture the world has been broken down by how much stress there is due to the limited water.  The majority of well off countries feel little or no stress.  As can be seen that is not the case for everybody, even the US is feeling the effects.

Opinion – My opinion on this topic is that we (the world) should work together to overcome this problem.  Since the water supply is running out everybody should use just what they need.  If there are people using way more water then they need, other countries will feel the effects much more.


Questions –

1)    What could we do to help the problem of limited water?

2)    In your opinion should we have a limit on how much water we can use? Explain.

3)    Even in the US, parts of the west coast are feeling the effects, if the population keeps increasing at the rate it is, what could happen?   



    This Youtube video is about the water shortages around the world. It also proposes that people will have wars over water in the future. It mentions Darfur and Sudan because both countries have had wars fought over water shortages. They say they want the government to take control of this act and provide water to those countries in need.

  2. What could we do to help the problem of limited water? I think we, as a world should stop wasting water like running the sink when we brush our teeth or taking long showers. I think that if everybody did little things to save water that it would all add up and save tons of water. In your opinion should we have a limit on how much water we can use? No I don't think so, but we should be very careful and limit ourselves. Also to be aware that this is going to affect our future. Even in the US, parts of the West Coast are feeling the effects, if the population keeps increasing at the rate it is, what could happen? The population is going to keep growing which means there will need to be more water to supply the people. It might get out of control and there might be a fight for water later in the future.

  3. I believe that eventually this will become a major problem in the world. In order to keep this from happening I think they should start doing little things to preserve fresh water.

    What are some ways people all across the world could preserve water in their homes?
